Graphs in Playing with Numbers
Before plotting the graphs in the Playing with Numbers and before even gathering the data required for them, I listed out some of the possible graphs that I could plot. Some of these graphs did show up in that article. Some are yet to be plotted and some I did plot, but didn't like the output.
Here's the list:
1. Plot Number of patterns (y-axis) against #digits (x-axis).
2. # of series of apttern size (y-axis) against #digits (x-axis) - a graph for each pattern size plotted in the same sheet.
3. Max number of iterations (y-axis) against #digits (x-axis).
4. # of numbers (y-axis) against #digits (x-axis) with a graph for each #iterations in the same sheet.
5. For a given #digits #numbers (y-axis) against series (x-axis).
6. For a given #digits Series (y-axis) against number (x-axis).
7. For a given number iteration number (y-axis) against number at a given iteration (x-axis).
8. For a given number, over iterations, min number (y-axis) against max number (x-axis). [and various other combinations].
Before plotting the graphs in the Playing with Numbers and before even gathering the data required for them, I listed out some of the possible graphs that I could plot. Some of these graphs did show up in that article. Some are yet to be plotted and some I did plot, but didn't like the output.
Here's the list:
1. Plot Number of patterns (y-axis) against #digits (x-axis).
2. # of series of apttern size (y-axis) against #digits (x-axis) - a graph for each pattern size plotted in the same sheet.
3. Max number of iterations (y-axis) against #digits (x-axis).
4. # of numbers (y-axis) against #digits (x-axis) with a graph for each #iterations in the same sheet.
5. For a given #digits #numbers (y-axis) against series (x-axis).
6. For a given #digits Series (y-axis) against number (x-axis).
7. For a given number iteration number (y-axis) against number at a given iteration (x-axis).
8. For a given number, over iterations, min number (y-axis) against max number (x-axis). [and various other combinations].