Kaprekar Series

Ha! Finally I published the pages I had created on the Kaprekar routine/series/numbers; also made the code/software for Kaprekar series generation available for public download. Check it out at Kaprekar Series Generator.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Glossary: Definition Lists.

I was wondering what was the appropriate tag for the glossary. Most people seem to use tables for their glossary - but thats not the most appropriate tag. I feel that the Definition List tags should be used for presenting the glossary.

So the html will look something like this -

<h3>Glossary of Terms</h3>


<dt>Kaprekar Constant</dt>
<dd>A number that remains unchanged on applying the Kaprekar routine on it.</dd>


Now gotta write some CSS for displaying the definition list. I didn't like the default look.

Came across a cool site for displaying lists (especially the folder tree section). It looks good, but not what I'm looking for.


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